Farrier Godmother 808-937-0843 Video of Susanella Casting Workshop From ILPC Hoof Casts For Healing Pathologies Treatment & Prevention Of Hoof Abscesses |
Hawaii Natural Hoofcare Links To Important Hoof Information We all need to wrap our brains around everything written by Dr. Robert Bowker, Dr. Tomas Teskey, Dr. Debra Taylor and selected articles by Dr. Christopher Pollitt.
"The Clinical Outcome of 14 Obese, Laminitic Horses..."
Pete Ramey has compiled the definitive 2011 veterinary text
Must Watch Video! Dr. Debra Taylor's lecture:
Every horse owner needs a subscription to
Barefoot Sites + articles: "Laminitis" & "Effects of Non-Structural Carbs" The Welz Method at Hoof Help Online Jenny Edwards: Ultimate Equine Laminitis eBook Dr. Robert Bowker's Corona Vista Equine Center Pete Ramey: Hoof Rehabilitation Website and The Benefits Of Barefoot Fischer Equine Lameness Foundation Marjorie Smith: Barefoot For Soundness Martha Olivo's United Horsemanship Linda Cowles' Healthy Hoof Andrew Bowe's Mayfield Rehabilitation Center in Australia
For Your Heart I would suggest reading the inspirational books of Joe Camp at The Soul Of A Horse Hoof Boots Check out the Equine Fusion Jogging Boots -- At last boots with spongy soles! Cavallo Trek hoof boots Easy Care Trail or Back Country and Old Mac G2 hoof boots are great!
Articles The Unfettered Foot by Dr. Tomas Teskey D.V.M. James R. Rooney Index to articles Why Barefoot? by Andrew Bowe Laminitis Update by James Hart
Favorite Farrier Sites Jen Clingly's Wild About Hooves Gretchen Cardosa, another farrier godmother and author of a must-read article of the development of club feet, "Foal Hoofcare" on page 20 Keith Jacobson: Natural Hoof Care Colorado "Dare To Go Bare" by Kaya Femerling