Susanella 808-937-0843



Services & Fees

Video of Susanella Casting Workshop From ILPC

Hoof Casts For Healing Pathologies

Treatment & Prevention Of Hoof Abscesses

Case Studies

Guidelines For Safely Feeding Horses in Hawaii

Links To Important Hoof Information

Visit Pet Chef Hawaii

Hosted by L.L. Prindle Design

Hawaii Natural Hoofcare

Susanella Noble, CNBBT

Holistic Lameness Specialist

Apprenticeship Program

My relationship with my apprentices is a two-way street because we learn together and from each other. We are practicing holistic horse care from the ground up studying anatomy, diet, environment and exercise. We gain the knowledge and techniques to safely trim and maintain healthy hooves on horses and donkeys while learning to rehabilitate pathological problems.


Former Interns

Lindsey Kapu

Lindsey is a natural with horses but truly amazing with donkeys! With her background in Lomilomi massage therapy and her wealth of holistic treatments, she brings her healing touch to all. You can visit her at Caring Hands Hawaii.



Pamela Au

Pam lives in Arizona with her two, giant warmbloods. She has rehabilitated her horses' hooves and rides them barefoot around the mountains. Please visit her website, Good Horsekeeping or call for a consultation 808-781-9753